Rain resulted in us taking a rather mundane tour of this old mansion in Rockport today... the redeeming factor? My father yelling "Haul Ass!" and running out the door as soon as it was over..
Simply put, it's my new years resolution: Use a camera to immortalize one significant moment in each of 2010's 365 days. The goal is not to try and capture everything in pictures, but to have a souvenir of sorts- something to remember the day by. So often I let the days meld together into a hazy blob, and before I know it, an entire 12 months has passed... This year it's going to be different. The hazy blob will dissipate, and I'll be left with 365 clear-cut (or slightly blurry) clues as to what I was doing each day of 2010.
hahaha...I totally lived that moment in my mind just now...I have a pretty clear picture how it all went down. Oh Tom.